Responses to Rumors

Q:  Does the Contractor get to charge the customer double benefits for overtime and then keep these funds for themselves?

A:  See attached flyer from UA290 Member.

No, contractors do not get to charge benefits for OT hours.  Customers and the marketplace do not allow for this.

Q:  Is their going to be a separate scale for plumbers and pipefitters?

A:  This has not been proposed and is very unlikely.

Q:  Why was the Letter of Understanding recognizing the uniqueness of the plumbing and pipefitting crafts on page 38 of the previous contract left out of the last contract?

A:  Despite the conspiracy theories, this was an oversight from the printers and multiple parties from Labor and Management that reviewed the drafts.

It was not bargained to be removed, so Management acknowledges that it existed in the last contract.

As we enter negotiations, this clause like every other clause in the MLA and Hiring Hall Regulations is subject to negotiation for removal, modification, or no change.

This oversight was not recognized for over 2 years by either party.

Q:  What happened at the last negotiating meeting?

A:  Click here to download the minutes.